This summer I had the opportunity to attend Space Coast Book Lovers convention in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Not only was I attending as an enthusiastic reader, but also as a Featured Industry Professional. As a sponsor of the event I donated graphic design, designed and printed coloring bookmarks for the convention, had a table at the dessert party, and hosted a workshop on cover design.
No one can go wrong with beautiful ocean views, exciting lightning storms, and campfire smores with friends. Not only was the convention cozy and intimate, but it was also inspiring. I made a point to attend as many workshops and functions as I could. All of the speakers were great to watch, the events were well attended, and all had a friendly atmosphere. My favorite event was the Author Speed Mingle for readers. It was great to have some one-on-one time with authors and hear about what they write, though it did get a bit loud.
There was also a launch party for authors with new releases. What a wonderful idea and again it was very well attended by readers. As a reader I was so excited to see new books and hear all of the enthusiasm authors had for their latest releases. This was the first con I have attended with a signing specifically for these releases and I would highly recommend this for other cons.
If you are looking for a casual convention in a wonderful setting, Space Coast may be a great fit for you as a reader, author or industry! With 70+ authors in genres including romance, paranormal, mystery, YA, children, urban fantasy, LGBT, science fiction, erotica, poetry, thriller, chic lit, suspense and more, it has something for everyone! In 2019 Space Coast will be moving a bit north to Cape Canaveral, Florida and is in late June. There is a FREE to the public book signing on Saturday.
For more information please visit the website: http://www.spacecoastbooklovers.com